Fat Horse Games

Gaming like it's 1989

Some text

Help Hannah's Horse is a little arcade maze game in the Pacman mould, with a nod to the Codemasters Dizzy game Fast Food. The aim is to collect all the coins, as with Pacman, and also the carrots that are moving around the arena, as the various foods in Fast Food do.


Hannah's horse, Harry, has been stolen and held to ransom! Collect the coins to pay off the horsenappers but avoid the evil ghosts who are out to stop you!

When all coins and carrots have been collected, Hannah moves onto the next maze and a step closer to retrieving Harry.

Hannah can collect power-ups to help her in her quest, but beware that some items can make her task more difficult.


Help Hannah's Horse started as a simple learning exercise using C++ and SDL 1.2 on Linux back in 2006 and a first version was released in 2009. In Summer of 2020 the project was resurrected and ported to SDL 2.0 to take advantage of features it offered, and later that year it was rewritten for Android in Lua using the excellent Solar2D framework but retaining the same graphics and musical assets as the desktop version.

The desktop version (C++ and SDL) is open source and can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.

Frequently Asked Questions (that I've just made up)

Why that name?

I knew a girl called Hannah. She had a horse. That's it.

What language did you use?

It's a close approximation to C++, although I'm sure it would make any real C++ developer wince.

Why C++?

It seemed a sensible choice for a game back in 2009 when I started it, and it can use the SDL libraries natively. To be honest, I didn't really know the difference between C and C++ back then, but it was probably the right choice as I had experience with Object Oriented Programming in Java at university. I'm not sure I'd choose C++ in the future as I find it an ugly and cumbersome language. I'll probably stick with C for the next game.

Who wrote the music?

I did. I admit it's not great. I used Rosegarden on Linux. The original music was shamefully stolen, so when I touched up the rough edges in 2020 I wrote some original music.

And the graphics?

Me again. These took me a long time to get right. The first iteration (which is probably around on the web somewhere) was very rough around the edges. I'm quite pleased with the current graphics.

The title screen - featuring Harry! Level 1, showing the coins, powerpills, elusive carrots, the three ghosts, and a potion. The nefarious robber puts coins back, making Hannah collect them again! Level 4, with a desert colour scheme Level 6. In a reversal of roles, Hannah starts in the middle! Level 7. A sort-of dungeon theme, and a door that can only be passed when the red key is collected High score entry in the traditional 80s initials-only style!